About Me

Some things are worth mentioning....

John Doe


I'm an Electronics and Communication Engineering Major from India. I enjoy experimenting with codes. I have ardent love for Machine Learning and playing with data. I am a lover of community and love giving community talks. When I'm not coding, surfing internet or playing games, you'll see me reading books, cooking or working out in the park. Also, I can dance to any song you play

Developer Students Club

Community Lead

Developer Students Club is meant to bridge the gap between industrial concepts and university learnings. I started the Developer Students Club from scratch in my campus. I trained the core members and we provided tons of opportunities for the students of our university as well as nearby universities.I personally, gave sessions on Machine Learning.


Developer Program Member

As a part of github developer program, I have worked on some open source projects that integrates with github.

Microsoft Student Partner Program

Microsoft Student Partner

Microsoft Student Partner Program aims to provide students with knowledge of Microsoft technologies and developing the strong sense of community in them.


Intel Software Innovator

The IntelĀ® Software Innovator program supports innovative, independent developers who display an ability to create and demonstrate forward-looking projects by providing them with speaking and demonstration opportunities at industry events and developer gatherings.

Developer Weekend Siliguri


Developer Weekend is a Not For Profit initiative to bring awareness about the upcoming technologies such as Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Chatbots etc and aim to spread knowledge and awareness about technologies of the future while solving problems of local communities.